About the site

Here are the facilities/conditions you can expect at Swiss Cottage Allotment Association. 

updated 16/12/23

  • Mostly full plots although there are some half size plots.  
  • There are taps situated around the site but these are only to be used for filling up water butts and watering cans, using hose to directly water your plot is strictly forbidden.  Water is switched off over the winter period to avoid freezing pipes.
  • We have a portable toilet now on site, next to the shop.   
  • Secured access is now with an electronic gate.  You will recieve the code once you have been assigned a plot.
  • On-site shop (no money left overnight).
  • Fires are allowed for burning allotment waste only - consult the rules given to you when you took the plot on or ask for replacement rules if you've lost them.  Please be considerate to other plot holders by not smoking them out.  Do not burn wet wood/weeds/grass etc as this will smoke.  Fires are only allowed when the wind is not blowing towards the residential area over the canal path.
  • Rent rebate of 50% (full plots only) if you can provide evidence that you are of the State Retirement Age.  If you are fortunate enough to have 2 full plots, only one plot is eligible for the rebate.
  • No animals allowed to be kept on site.  Dogs are allowed when you visit, but these must be kept under control and not to venture from your plot or cause nuisence.  Same goes for children...
  • Car parking is normally adjacent to your plot but please be considerate with your plot neighbours.  Lets all just get along...
  • An 'Allotment Clean Up' deposit that is refunded only if the plot is in a tidy condition when vacated.  We have had to introduce this fee because some plots that have been abandoned require a huge amount clearing before anybody else can move on.  For example overgrown weeds over most of the plot.  This 'Allotment Clean Up' deposit will be used towards the clean up.  If a new plot holder does not agree to this condition, please don't apply for a plot.
  • This is a friendly site and we ask that everybody respect others on the site and be considerate.  Don't light smokey fires if it will blow on to your neighbour.
  • We do not tollerate any abuse either verbally or physically to any staff on site.  Doing so will at least result in a verbal warning and at worst, reporting to the police.  
  • We have a strict policy to combat theft.  This includes fruit and veg as well as gardening equipment.  Anybody identified stealing from any plot will be given 7 days to vacate their plot.  There is CCTV on site.

You can enquire about a plot or add your name to the list by sending an email to the address on the contact page.   If you email, please give your contact details including telephone number so we can contact you when a plot is available.    
The shop is open to non plot holders.  

We've loaded up some small and large vehicles over the decades but I think this is the smallest motored vehicle we've filled!!
mobility scootermobility scooter

We have a great working relationship with the police.  Well, they are just down the road.
police 2