
I planted out my French beans today. I was hoping to get the last of my seed spuds out but didn't get chance. Must do it next weekend! 

I wish that cold wind would go away Yell

23:08, 28 Apr 2013 by Alan Pywell

It's been a slow start to the year and I can't wait any longer to get some tomatoes on their way so bought some young plants for a pound each from a small hardware shop.  £1.50 at a not so fancy garden centre...  My young tomato seedlings are only just popping their heads through so they can go in later.  Cucumber plants are only about an inch high.


I also put my onion sets in.  At last I feel that summer is finally here and caught the sun yesterday... Cool

21:25, 21 Apr 2013 by Alan Pywell

Been putting some earlies in this afternoon and lifted some leeks that I had given up on last year due to the water logged ground. To my surprise, and although a little stubby, they looked ok. Brought some rhubarb home too. Fingers crossed for no more frost. Cool

19:22, 08 Apr 2013 by Alan Pywell


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